As a massage therapist, specializing in acupressure massage is a wonderful decision. The technique known as acupressure has been used since the days of ancient China, but it has only gained popularity in the United States in recent years. Acupressure uses the same principles as acupuncture but without the needles. If you choose to specialize in this style of massage you will rely on finger pressure to relieve stress and tension at specific points in the body.
Acupressure massage therapists can do wonders for their clients if they are good at what they do, which makes this an extremely rewarding professional choice. You can help your clients alleviate arthritis, constipation, diarrhea, digestive problems, dizziness, headaches, insomnia, menstrual cramps, morning sickness, motion sickness, nausea, stress, tension, tiredness, toothaches and other aches and pains. In fact, acupressure massage has even been associated with general preventive health care. Basically, you can help people live better lives by specializing in acupressure massage.
If you are going to specialize in acupressure you will need education and training in the techniques and history of this massage style. You will learn how acupressure is used to stimulate the body’s ability to recuperate on its own, and to remove toxic buildup in muscles that can cause stiffness and pressure on the blood, lymph vessels and nerves. You will also learn how to perform acupressure, which is usually done as part of a traditional massage with increased pressure on certain points in the body using a finger, thumb or blunt object. In less than 15 minutes you can knead, rub and vibrate your clients to better health and vitality.
Acupressure can help people in so many ways, which is why it has become such a popular technique. You can perform acupressure massage in a spa, out of your own office or in people’s homes and businesses. If you choose to specialize in this style of massage you will be able to attract a wide range of clients, and if you offer this as one of many styles of massage you will be have an even higher demand for your services.
Browse detailed information about top acupuncture schools and best acupuncture courses to become specialized acupressure massage therapists at Choose the best acupuncture college in your preferred locations and start your career in a rewarding filed now.
Specializing in Acupressure Massage
As a massage therapist, specializing in acupressure massage is a wonderful decision. The technique known as acupressure has been used since the days of ancient China, but it has only gained popularity in the United States in recent years. Acupressure uses the same principles as acupuncture but...
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